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One of the key ingredients of any blockbuster film is its locations. The aura, beauty and charisma of these locales have inspired filmmakers through the ages. Here are the top 10-movie inspired destinations that’ll compel you to book your next vacation there.


Tunisia was home to one of the greatest film series of all time – Star Wars. Tunisia is the northernmost country of the African continent. The desert landscapes of Tunisia served as the perfect scenes for the makers of the movie to direct Obi-Wan and Luke’s first meeting. Unravel Jundland Wastes and take a trip to Dune Sea where R2-D2 and C-3PO crashed. Catch a few drinks with your friends in the fishing town of Ajim or visit at the real home of Chalmun’s Cantina. It’s an out-of-the-world experience. Literally.

Scottish Highlands.

Braveheart, Rob Roy and Harry Potter! What do they have in common? All were superhits! And all films were shot in Scottish Highlands. Visit the Elephant House in Edinburgh to sense wizardly masterpieces written by Rowling or Lochaber, which features the famous flying car sequence of Harry Potter. Some historical places in Glen Coe and the Mamore Mountains were locations of Braveheart and Western Highlands for Rob Roy.

New Zealand.

Remember, Lord of the Rings! It was filmed right here in New Zealand’s Mount Ruapehu. You can also relive the movie franchise by visiting Lyall Bay, which is home to King Kong’s Skull Island.

The Caribbean.

Yes, yes. You guessed it right! The Pirates of Caribbean. That’s the first thing that pops into our head when we hear or head to the Caribbean. At Wallilabou Bay, witness the pirates’ haven, Port Royal, named after the original port that once existed in Jamaica. Wallilabou Anchorage Hotel is the best spot to enjoy the various sets, sights and sounds of the movie.

New York City.

New York has always remained a hit with the filmmakers. From apartment parties in Breakfast at Tiffany’s to the action scenes in Taxi Driver, New York has served as a favorite muse for directors. A visit to Central Park will surely remind you of When Harry Met Sally, Sex and City, Saturday Night Fever, well, the list is endless.

Kauai, Hawaii.

Kayaking down the Huleia River or climbing on the Anahola Mountains will take you in the world of George Lucas’ film – Raiders of the Lost Ark. And how can we forget an air tour of Manawaiopuna Falls where we saw dinosaurs from Jurassic Park?


Just like the movie – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which captured your imagination, the city of Stockholm in Sweden has quite the same effect. Take a trip to Stockholm subway system or stroll through the streets to experience the cold weather.


The beaches of Thailand have pulled filmmakers like a magnet over the ages. Remember Leonardo di Caprio’s – The Beach or the mad comedy – Hangover 2. There’s even a James Bond Island in Thailand dedicated to the Bond film, which was shot in the Phang Nga Bay of South Thailand.

So, it’s time to pack your bag for a blockbuster vacation.  And we have just the superhit platform you need to book the cheapest travel deals and offers – Airtkt. So, get ready for lights, camera, action, travel!

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