5 Reasons To Go To Colombia

Once upon a time far away in history, Colombia was in the middle of drug cartels, gang wars and volatile politics. That’s what kept tourists out and the economy down for a long time. Thankfully, in recent years...

5 Best Places For A Digital Detox

By the time you finish reading this article, you must have received a few emails, messages, missed calls and social media notifications. Wish you could have a breather from all those updates, technology and gad...

Costa Rica-5 Reasons To Make It Your Weekend Getaway

Not many know but Costa Rica has been voted as one of the happiest places on Earth. That’s one great incentive to visit this country where the citizens have a Pura Vida (Pure Living) life, which is all about li...

5 Best Places To Travel This January

Most of us have traveling as a major part of our new year resolution. And if you are looking to travel this Jan, why not start your new year with a bang? There’s a lot in store for those looking to escape the w...

5 Best Places For Digital Nomads In 2021

Thanks to technology and smart devices, the physical workplaces are being replaced by virtual workspaces. Today, most of us require just a speedy internet connection and a smart device to access all our work, e...

Discount Tips in 2021 for Students to Travel

Lately, student travel is becoming more frequent and popular. Sometimes these excursions are educational and sometimes they are planned as a holiday trip. Either way the students obtain the advantage of getting...