Think of Luxembourg and the first thing that pops into your head is a business district with all top brands in the corporate world. Can’t blame you as it is the tax haven for European and world enterprises. This little country is sandwiched between Germany, France and Belgium. So, is it all a concrete jungle of towers and buildings? Absolutely, not! Luxembourg has plenty of surprises in store for you in its 1000-square miles size. So, without further ado, here’s where you all you can go in the next 48 hours as Luxembourg.
From high rises, underground and everything in between
Agreed, Luxembourg has plenty of high-rises but few know is that it has a labyrinth of underground tunnels, which run throughout the city. These were built in the 1600s during the era of Spanish domination in Europe. Plenty of people took shelter in them during the onslaught by Germany in the Second World War. It saved thousands of lives. Today, however, you’ll find an army of bats, which go into thousands if not millions. Explore the various hideouts and complex system of tunnels and extract a part of history.
Get on a bike to see the sights and sounds of the city Â
Bike is the best way to see all the hidden facets of this country. You can meander in the narrow by lanes and action-packed eateries and streets, which will definitely convince you that this city is more than just the moolah.
Artsy vibe   Â
There are a whopping 60 museums in Luxembourg, which should break this whole notion once and for all about the country being only the financial capital of Europe. A one-day pass for 13 to 15 Euros gives you access to the public transportation in the country along with the museums. Well, with 48 hours, you might not have the time to visit all but Bock Casemates, Lëtzebuerg City Museum and the National Museum of Natural History are the go-to places.
Enjoy the greens
Just step out of the Financial hubs and you’ll discover a very different side or rather a countryside of Luxembourg. This includes green belts of nature all around you. It has winding pathways, green valleys and waterways, which bring music to your ears and a feast to your eyes. You might just get lost in the flora and fauna around but that’s not such a bad thing considering how beautiful the countryside is.
Step on the most beautiful balcony in Europe
Nothing comes close to the view from Corniche. It’s accoladed as the of the most beautiful balcony in Europe. We’d say, it is the best vantage point to catch the sunset and the dusk of the prevailing night sky as the lights of the cityscape come alive.
Thinking Luxembourg?
Don’t just think, be there with the cheapest flight bookings and hotel prices with AirTkt, your one stop travel shop. Book your flight to Luxembourg today!