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In this jet age traveling has become a norm and almost everyone ventures out at some point of time or the other, whether for business or for pleasure. Women too have become more independent and are stepping out alone irrespective of the fact that the world is not such a safe place, especially for them. Still, it’s never too late to take certain precautions- “prevention is better than cure,” as the saying goes. Regardless of the fact whether you are a young woman or an older one you should take note of the following when you travel by yourself.

  1. Arrive early at your destination

    Single women prefer Delta, United

    Image Source : saharasamay

Whatever your destination you must ensure that you don’t arrive there in the dark, i. e., after sunset.ย  If you do, the chances are that you will stick out like a sore thumb, easily recognizable as a tourist and for a scam artist, an easy prey.

  1. Be confident, Look Confident

    Image Source : youngadventuress

    Image Source : youngadventuress

Keep a confident bearing and don’t look like a lost lamb. Looking fearful and worried may solicit assistance from genuine people but generally is a dead giveaway to those who would want to take advantage of your dilemma.

  1. Research your destination

    Image Source : Tuzzle

    Image Source : Tuzzle

Familiarize yourself with the local customs and traditions before you arrive and being able to speak some local dialect will help you being part of the local scene. You will be able to make friends and getting assistance becomes an easier task.

  1. Dress according to culture

    Image source: breathedreamgo

    Image source: breathedreamgo

Wearing revealing tops and short skirts attract unwarranted attention in some countries and are an invitation to trouble. If you are young then baggy clothes and clothes that don’t show much skin are a good idea. It’s therefore always favorable to blend in with the correct outfits.

  1. Be familiar with the surroundings

    Image Source : indefiniteadventure

    Image Source : indefiniteadventure

Try and be aware of the surroundings you are in as there might be a potential thief lurking around.

  • Keep your bag secure in front all the time so that it cannot be taken away from you.
  • Be alert as to your money belt too since pickpockets tend to be active all over the world.
  • Don’t trust anyone with your bag even if you have to go to the washroom.

These small preventive measures go a long way in making your travel incident-free.

  1. Donโ€™t party out with strangers

    Image source: georgechorley

    Image source: georgechorley

Don’t party out at an invitation of a recent acquaintance without authenticating his credentials. If for some reason you do end up at the party do not get intoxicated at any cost. It possibly could land you in a situation that could be, to say the least, unsavory.

In short, don’t trust people at face value.

  1. Look like belong

    Image Source: bemytravelm

    Image Source: bemytravelm

When accosted by strangers or any acquaintance you have recently made, give an impression that you are not alone and that soon your “husband” or ‘boyfriend” would be soon there and joining you. This could act as a deterrent to advances and impositions of any kind.

  1. Make copies of documents

    Image Source : planetandgo

    Image Source : planetandgo

Always make a set of duplicate documents for your travel. Feed them into your laptop and forward them to a friend or family for safekeeping. In the event of your documents being stolen or getting lost you are saved from going through all the hassles of retrieving information.

  1. Use public transportsolo

It’s best to move around in public areas rather than on lonely stretches. Use public transport where possible and be careful of being conned by private carriers.

Eat-in public places and do not consume food offered by strangers trying to be over-friendly.

  1. Hold on to your Maptravel-2

Always keep a map handy so that you don’t get lost. Don’t try and visit a lot of places in a single day. If you cram your itinerary you would end up being short of time and therefore frustrated by having to eliminate certain spots. Move at a certain leisurely pace wherein you can imbibe in the beauty of the surroundings and make the most of the individual self-indulgent time you have on your hands.

Keep in mind the above guidelines and enjoy your liberated solo travel but do keep your family or a friend apprised of your whereabouts through social media or a phone to keep your visibility intact.

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